Anahid Jewett
Company: University of California Los Angeles
Job title: Professor
Panel Discussion: Evaluating Clinical Potential of Different NK Subtypes 2:30 pm
Discuss how different NK subtypes perform against various cancer types and disease models How do different NK phenotypes influence therapeutic outcomes? Is it best to have a homogenous or heterogenous NK product?Read more
day: Day 2 - Track B - PM
Diving into the Clinical Efficacy of Supercharged NK Cells to Further Highlight their Numerous Benefits 5:00 pm
Discussing the long-term effects of administering supercharged NK cells to patients Outlining the unique development of supercharged NK cells using osteoclasts and probiotic bacteria Evaluating the mechanistic overview gained from studying supercharged NK cells including understanding of upregulated levels of anti-apoptotic genes and downregulated pro-apoptotic genes for enhanced longevity, persistence, and ability to target differentiated…Read more
day: Day 1 PM