Armin Rath

Company: Cytovia Therapeutics
Job title: Senior Vice President & Head of New Product Development & Research Alliances
Influencing the Beta Catenin Pathway Through a GPC3/NKp46 NK Cell Engager, Turning Cold Tumors Hot & Reversing NK Cell Dysfunction 1:00 pm
Sharing insights into novel mechanisms of cell engagement to recruit both NK and T-cells to cold tumor sites by influencing the Beta Catenin Pathway Discussing using a NKp46 as an NK engager in combination with a full FC region to reverse exhaustion/dysfunction of NK cellsRead more
day: Day 1 - Track B - PM
Panel Discussion: Exploring Current & Future Opportunities in Entering the Autoimmune Field as an NK Developer 9:00 am
What makes NK applications to the autoimmune space so exciting? Discussing recent advancements that showcase the promise of NK based therapy in autoimmune disease Evaluating the main hurdles in expanding NKs to the autoimmune space Why is there more funding in autoimmunity than oncology?Read more
day: Pre-Conference Focus Day