Evren Alici

Company: Karolinska Institutet
Job title: Co-Director - Next Generation NK Cell Competence Center & Research Group Leader
Panel Discussion: Evaluating Clinical Potential of Different NK Subtypes 11:30 am
Discuss how different NK subtypes perform against various cancer types and disease models How do different NK phenotypes influence therapeutic outcomes? Is it best to have a homogenous or heterogenous NK product?Read more
day: Day 2 - Track B- AM
Optimizing Patient Selection Through Advanced Stratification Algorithms to Ensure Clinical Benefit of NK Therapy 2:00 pm
• Discover which biomarkers are most indicative of NK therapy efficacy and patient response • Understand how to link specific biomarkers with clinical outcomes to better predict treatment success and patient prognosisRead more
day: Day 1 - Track B - PM