Yoshikazu Yonemitsu

Company: GAIA Advanced Stem Cells
Job title: Chief Scientific Officer
Panel Discussion: Evaluating Clinical Potential of Different NK Subtypes 11:30 am
Discuss how different NK subtypes perform against various cancer types and disease models How do different NK phenotypes influence therapeutic outcomes? Is it best to have a homogenous or heterogenous NK product?Read more
day: Day 2 - Track B- AM
Multi-Donor-Derived Approach Generating a Unique Phenotypic Profile of NK Cells that can Eliminate Solid Tumors 4:00 pm
Understanding the scientific basis and mechanisms behind combining NK cells from multiple donors predefined HLA-C and KIRs genotypes into one product Highlighting key advantages of this approach including advanced NK education and license for kill Showcasing clinical data of this approach from three different clinical trials in patients with solid tumorsRead more
day: Day 1 PM