Welcome to the 10th Annual Innate Killer Summit

Celebrating a Decade of Uniting the NK Cell Therapy Community!

With time running out to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Innate Killer Summit in San Diego, don't miss your chance to be represented today. Uniting long-standing senior pioneers in the NK space, this meeting will focus on advancing the development of NK cell therapies, engagers and cytokine-based approaches to the clinic. Leave with the tools and insights needed to revolutionize your pipeline and stay ahead of your competitors in 2025. 

What Will 2025 Offer?

Optimize Cryopreservation & Maximize NK Expansions

Dive into cutting-edge techniques to optimize cryopreservation of NK cells with UCL and University of Pennsylvania.

Discuss methods to maximize NK expansions for robust scale-ups of allogeneic products with Takeda and Apexcella.

Autoimmune Focus Day

Explore the cutting-edge approaches in using NK engagers for autoimmune disease at our new Applications of NK Biology to Autoimmunity Focus Day.

Patient Case Study

For the first time, hear the incredible story of Sophie Ryan and NKore Biotherapeutics, to discover the revolutionary benefits of NK therapies.

Our World-Class Speaker Faculty Includes:

Evren Alici - Karolinska Institutet - 10th Innate Killer Summit

Evren Alici

Co-Director - Next Generation NK Cell Competence Center & Research Group Leader

Karolinska Institutet

Mark Lowdell - INmune Bio, Inc - 10th Innate Killer Summit

Mark Lowdell

Chief Scientific Officer & Co-Founder

Inmune Bio, Inc

Nikolaus Trede - Century Therapeutics - 10th Innate Killer Summit

Nikolaus Trede

Senior Vice President & Head of Clinical Development

Century Therapeutics

Raphael Ognar - NKILT Therapeutics - 10th Innate Killer Summit

Raphael Ognar

President, CEO & Co-Founder

NKILT Therapeutics

Stefanie Mandl-Cashman- Indapta Therapeutics - 10th Innate Killer Summit

Stefanie Mandl

Chief Scientific Officer

Indapta Therapeutics

Introducing our Charity Partner:


Inspired by 11-year old cancer warrior Sophie Ryan who was diagnosed at just 8 1/2 months old, Saving Sophie is registered 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to spreading advocacy, and providing grants for out-of-pocket treatments for cancer. Saving Sophie is funding cancer research that is focused on bringing no to low toxicity treatments to market that work to reverse damage to the immune system that allowed the cancer to grow in the first place.

View Sophie Ryan and NKore Biotherapeutics' Talk Here

A Snapshot of Our Attending Companies:

Already in the room - Innate Killer - Full Event Guide
Innate Killer Summit

“It's a wonderful meeting to connect many scientists focusing on the NK cell
therapy worldwide”

Chief Technical Officer, Apexcella

Our 2025 Partners:

Lead Partner

Expertise Partners

Innovation Partner

Exhibition Partners

"This event brings top companies in NK field globally working on diverse areas. This
very helpful to understand the challenges and allows us to do any course
correction early, if needed

Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder, East Ocyon Bio

Innate Killer Summit